Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pinewood Derby '12

Preston made his first Pinewood Derby car last week. He just started Cub Scouts and already loves it. He's so proud to wear his uniform. Lance helped him make his car before heading to WY. 
They finished it the day Lance left. 
I told Lance it needed to get done before he left because I have no idea how to do that stuff.
Preston named it "The Rook". Pretty appropriate if you ask me.

{No, he isn't missing his left arm. It's just hiding.}

Uncle Dusty stood in for Lance. Thanks, Dusty!

Preston made it to District with his cousin Traven. They got trophies which made them happy.

Traven with his car "Jumbo Dart".

Plus this lil cutie, Burklee {my niece}.
Like I could resist snapping a picture of that face.

Good times, great memories.

1 comment:

Chantel said...

We moved right before I had to do the pinewood derby car for my Foster son. I was so relieved. I had no idea how to do one either. I guess I've got a few years to learn before my little boy gets there. He's only 5 months, lol.